dask_lsf documentation!ΒΆ

version: 1.1.1

dask_lsf is a python library that offers simple and intuitive APIs to launch lsf jobs from python script. APIs are written around DASK

>>> import dask_lsf as dl

>>> queue = 'normal'
>>> project_id = 'dask_lsf'
>>> memory = 40
>>> ncores = 1
>>> njobs = 10

>>> cluster, client = dl.setupsystem(queue,project_id,memory,ncores,njobs)

See also

Examples on how to use Dask in a variety of situations after you have successfully linked your code to LSF.


The doc contains a detailed description of various ways of installing dask_lsf on your system.


The doc contains a detailed description of the dask_lsf API. The reference describes how the methods work and which parameters can be used.